Source code for auto_version.styles

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-


auto_version.styles is the holder of all the different coding styles.

Each style is built on top of others, as they have multiple features in common. For instance, a Revision-based versioning has a feature used in <major>.<minor>.

I am still thinking about it.

.. todo::
    Implement more styles

import re
from auto_version.utils import logger

[docs]class BaseStyle: """ This is the base style every Style class should inherit from. """ def __init__(self, current_version): logger.debug("style = " + str(current_version)) self.regex = re.compile(self.__format__) self.current_version = current_version if(self.regex.match(self.current_version) is None): raise ValueError("The current version you provided does not correspond to the chosen version style. Please review your configuration file and/or your cli args.") @staticmethod
[docs] def get_pure_version_string(style_class, string): """ Returns only the part matching the version string, so we can isolate it in a string """ match =, string) logger.debug("regex: %s, string %s, match object: %s" % (style_class.__format__, string, str(match))) if(match): return string[match.start():match.end()] return None
[docs]class Revision(BaseStyle): """ Revision format is a simple, one-number versioning format: r<number> for instance, r7 is the version after r6. It is used in some DCVS, such as mercurial, or svn. """ __format__ = 'r\d+'
[docs] def increment(self, level=None): """ Performs the actual incrementation of the version number. The parameter ``level`` is ignored here, because there is only one. """ version = self.current_version[1:] version = int(version) version = version + 1 return 'r%d' % version
[docs]class Doublet(BaseStyle): """ Double format is in the form <major>.<minor> It is pretty self-explainatory. Mostly used in very small projects, without a lot of dependencies. <major> begins most of the time at 0, indicating the in-development state of the project. Examples: * 0.5 * 1.2 * 1.53 """ __format__ = '\d+\.\d+'
[docs] def increment(self, level="minor"): """ Performs increment of the version number, according to the given "level" parameter. Level may be one of the followings: * "minor" or 1: increments the <minor> part of version string * "major" or 0: increments the <major> part of version string, and resets <minor> to 0. """ version = [int(n) for n in self.current_version.split('.')] if(level == "minor" or level == 1): version[1] = int(version[1]) + 1 elif(level == "major" or level == 0): version[0] = int(version[0]) + 1 version[1] = 0 else: raise ValueError("Invalid level of incrementation given.") return "%d.%d" % (version[0], version[1])
[docs]class Triplet(BaseStyle): """ Trpilet format is in the form <major>.<minor>.<patch> It is the most commonly used versioning 'style'. Examples: * 0.0.1 * 1.0.2 """ __format__ = '\d+\.\d+\.\d+'
[docs] def increment(self, level="patch"): """ Performs increment of version number, according to the given "level" parameter. Level may be one of the followings: * "patch" or 2: increments the <patch> part of the version string * "minor" or 1: increments the <minor> part of the version string, and resets <patch> to 0 * "major" or 0: increments the <major> part of the version string, and resets <minor> and <patch> to 0 """ version = [int(n) for n in self.current_version.split('.')] if(level == "patch" or level == 2): version[2] = int(version[2]) + 1 elif(level == "minor" or level == 1): version[1] = int(version[1]) + 1 version[2] = 0 elif(level == "major" or level == 0): version[0] = int(version[0]) + 1 version[1] = 0 version[2] = 0 else: raise ValueError("Invalid level of incrementation given.") return "%d.%d.%d" % (version[0], version[1], version[2])
[docs]class Full(BaseStyle): """ Full format, aka. :<major>.<minor>.<patch>+<status>-<build> where <major>, <minor>, <patch> and <build> are numbers (aka, the actual version number. Well, except for the build number), and <status> is one of the following: * prealpha * alpha * beta * rc * release .. warning:: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! """ __format__ = '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\+\w\-\d+' def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def increment(self, level="build"): raise NotImplementedError()

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