Source code for auto_version.dvcs


This modules contains all the implementation for versioning system automation.

see `Issue#1 <>`_

The resulting version number will be in the form `<ChosenStyle>+<VCSStyle>`.

For git, VCSStyle is in the form `pre<number_of_commits_since_last_tag>-<sha_hash_of_last_commit>-<is_dirty?>`

If the user wants to use DVCS system, the option --use-vcs should be present, or "use_vcs": True should be present in config. This way, people won't find creepy hashes in their version string.

import os
from subprocess import check_output, check_call, CalledProcessError
from auto_version.utils import logger

[docs]class BaseVCS: """ Base VCS class .. attention:: Do not use, use the actual vcs implementations instead """ __meta_dir__ = ".meta" # Should be overriden to reflect the meta-information folder for each system. def __init__(self): self.meta_info_present = self.__meta_dir__ in os.listdir(os.path.abspath('.'))
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Returns the `status` of the repository """ raise NotImplementedError("This versioning class is not designed to be used, but rather as a base for actual implementations to rely on.")
[docs] def get_current_version(self, with_status=False, increment=True): """ Return the current version, from the state of the repository. """ raise NotImplementedError("This versioning class is not designed to be used, but rather as a base for actual implementations to rely on.")
[docs] def set_version(self, files, version, prefix=""): """ When a version increment is made, update the vcs """ raise NotImplementedError("This versioning class is not designed to be used, but rather as a base for actual implementations to rely on.")
[docs]class Git(BaseVCS): """ Provides git support, via git tags. As many tag their commits with release numbers, it is a good idea to sync auto-version with these tags. .. warning: for now, must be set after instanciation, before any call to the instance """ __meta_dir__ = ".git" def __init__(self): self.status = None BaseVCS.__init__(self) def _update_index(self): """ Updates the git index. """ try: check_output(["git", "update-index", "--refresh", "-q"]) # Silencing output of git update-index except CalledProcessError: pass def _get_describe(self, increment=True): s = str(check_output(["git", "describe", "--tags", "--dirty"])) logger.debug(str(type(s)) + " " + s) self.status = [str(s) for s in s.strip('\n').split('-')] # check_output returns bytes logger.debug("self.status = " + str(self.status)) if(len(self.status) > 1 and self.status[1] != "dirty" and increment): logger.debug(self.status[0]) self.status[0] =, self.status[0] ) ).increment() else: self.status[0] =, self.status[0] ) return self.status def get_status(self): self._update_index() if(self.status is None): logger.debug("Self.status is None. Updating... result:" + self._get_describe()) logger.debug("self.status is %d long" % len(self.status)) if(len(self.status) >= 3): logger.debug(self.status[1:]) return "-pre%s-%s" % (self.status[1], self.status[2]) else: return "" def get_current_version(self, with_status=False, increment=True): self._update_index() logger.debug(self._get_describe(increment=increment)) if(with_status):"".join((self.status[0], self.get_status()))) return "".join((self.status[0], self.get_status())) return self.status[0] def set_version(self, files, version, prefix=""): check_call(["git", "add", "version.conf"]) # This causes a problem, because in the current configuration, we don't save the version.conf file until the end of auto_version.main:main. add_cmd = ["git", "add"] if(type(files) is list or type(files) is tuple): for f in files: add_cmd.append(f) else: add_cmd.append(files) logger.debug(str(add_cmd))"Executing command: " + " ".join(add_cmd)) check_call(add_cmd) check_call(["git", "commit", "-m", "auto_version: added files for whom version has changed."]) check_call(["git", "tag", "-f", prefix + version])
class Mercurial(BaseVCS): # hg log -r . --template '{latesttag}-{latesttagdistance}-{node|short}\n' # warning: with each tag, mercurial uses a commit to tag the current commit. So it means that never ever will the distance to last tag be inferior to 1 __meta_dir__ = ".hg" def __init__(self): self.status = None BaseVCS.__init__(self) raise NotImplementedError("Not yet available, sorry")

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